15 years of experience in sustainable architecture.

- Chair of Active House National Alliances Council: www.activehouse.info
- Healthy Buildings Europe 2023 Conference (Aachen, Germany)

- Vice-Chairman of Active House Alliance International: www.activehouse.info
- Active House Award 2022: Winner of the Transforming Active Spaces (Built with radar category) 

- Active House Summer School in Italian Alps: activehouse.academy/Active-House-PRO
- Active House Specification 3.0 co-author: activehouse.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Guidelines_ActiveHouse_III_2020_Spreads.pdf
- Active House Days in Ukraine (Lviv): youtu.be/W7Ca9YoRhSk
- President of the Active House Alliance Ukraine activehousedays.in.ua,
- Member of the Board of Directors of the international Active House Alliance.

- organizer and curator of Active House Days in Ukraine (Kyiv): youtu.be/OTYwi_9utao
- Launched the Active House Academy: youtu.be/iuRWzVLQAJE

- active house verifier
- Active House Award 2017. Diploma on Best in New Built: activehouse.info/active-housel-label-award-2017/

- Live and work in Kyiv, Ukraine
- the 1st Active House in Ukraine was implemented with optimal parameters for living comfort, energy efficiency, safety for health and the environment.

- recognition of the project of the 1st Multi-Comfort House in Belarus in Dublin as complying with European energy efficiency requirements. Participation in the development of international guidelines for the design of Active Houses (Brussels).

- the 1st Multi-comfort house in Belarus.

- Expert of the project "Intersectoral Cooperation for the Development of Energy Efficiency in Belarus - Promotion of Energy Certification of Buildings".

- received a patent (as part of a team) for an energy generating house.

Worked in architectural bureaus

- diploma with honors in "Architecture", department "Design of the architectural environment", Belarusian National Technical University in Minsk. Recommendations of the State Examination Commission for joining both the Union of Architects and the Union of Designers.

- I was born

As an architect, I have found answers to important questions and needs of modern society for buildings in the holistic approach of Active House. 
Comfort + Energy + Environment

Active House is an international rating system for the creation and evaluation of healthy buildings. Included in the top 10 rating systems in the world. 9 objective parameters are evaluated in three areas:

- comfort of living (daylight, indoor temperature, air quality)
- energy efficiency (energy consumption, energy supply, primary energy)
- safety for health and the environment (sustainable construction, freshwater consumption)

I understand architecture as the transformation of space into an environment,
where it is convenient for a person to live, work and relax.

The fundamental principle of creative activity is an integrated approach.

The main criterias are Comfort, Wellness and Productivity in buildings.

The goal is to express the essence of the phenomenon through the form!

​Solve the problems by architecture, not create.

I fully share the provisions of the concept of sustainable development (sustainable development *) - the satisfaction of the needs of the current generation should not threaten the satisfaction of the needs of the next generation.
/* UN General Assembly. December 11, 1987 /